Étude EXPRESSION IV - Cancer Ovaire

Recrutement terminé / Publication en cours
The recruitment of this study is finished

Factsheet Study (Fiche descriptive de l'étude)

Ovarian cancer study (Étude ovaire)


Study Title (Titre de l'étude)

EXPRESSION IV : What are the expectations of patients suffering of ovarian cancer and fallopian tube or peritoneum cancer concerning maintenance therapy? (Quelles sont les attentes des patientes souffrant du cancer des ovaires et des trompes de fallope ou du cancer du peritoine concernant un traitement d‘entretien ?)

Study status (Statut)

The recruitment of this study is finished (le recrutement de cette étude est terminé).

Instigator (Promoteur)


Goal (But)

The primary objectives of this survey are to describe the expectations and wishes of ovarian cancer patients concerning maintenance therapy. From that we can extrapolate the information needs and preferences regarding maintenance therapy.

Type of patient (Type de patiente)

Inclusion criteria
The survey is open to all patients diagnosed with ovarian, peritoneal or fallopian tube cancer. Patients could be include in a primary situation after first-line-chemotherapy or in recurrent situation. A minimum age of 18 years is assumed.

Exclusion criteria
Other cancers beside the defined tumour types (see inclusion criteria).

Number of patients to recruited (Nombre de patientes à recruter)

Approximately 200 patients in France (Environ 200 patientes en France)

Primary efficacy endpoint (Critère principal d’évaluation)

This is a multicentered international survey where patients will be asked for their expectations and wishes concerning maintenance therapy. In the first part of the questionnaire, patients will be asked about demographic and disease information (age, education, tumour status). In the second part (from question 16) most of the questions try to evaluate the patients information about maintenance therapy and their expectations. The answers could be selected from a multiple choice format or have to be answers directly. Depending on the type of question, one or multiple replies are possible.

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Modifié le 10-11-2017 12:56:07